by Alok Appadurai | Jul 16, 2017 | Empathy, Uncategorized
The barber’s chair has always been a fascinating place of discovery, humor, and beyond but a recent experience reminded me that my gift as an empath can be useful in the most random moments. Yesterday, I decided to go to the local barbershop and since I never...
by Alok Appadurai | Jun 11, 2017 | Empathy, Uncategorized
Our society is obsessed with the Kardasians, Justin Bieber, and other pop influencers but the time has come for empaths driven by compassion to rise.
by Alok Appadurai | Feb 12, 2017 | Community Building, Empathy
Throughout my life, I have been addicted to ‘goosebumps’. You know that feeling when something inspires you, when you read a story of someone triumphing over adversity, when the impossible becomes possible? These moments can be read like a brail bible up my arm as my...
by Alok Appadurai | Feb 12, 2016 | Empathy
10 WAYS TO MAKE SOMEONE FEEL SPECIAL by Alok Appadurai ; For years, I have unconsciously been taking note of what people do that makes me feel special. Ever since I became aware of the subtle gifts these 10 actions are, I have done best to offer them to everyone I...