We got an enormous bill yesterday for my son’s recent ER visit
But unlike in past years when I would have freaked out financially over a multi-thousands medical bill, I was able to text his mother and simply say “No problem.”
This isn’t some brag post about being a millionaire
It’s a reflection how changes I made to build a better relationship with money back in 2016 are creating a certain outcome in 2023
Back then I was broke and a whisper away from bankruptcy.
Like 75% of America, I was paycheck to paycheck where one medical emergency could have sunk us financially.
I decided back then that I never wanted my family unit to never be in that type of circumstance ever again.
I grew up seeing what financial stress can do on households
And I have dedicated much of my adult life growing businesses that move flows of money where money can do the most good
Generating money isn’t just about “living the good life” with fancy cars and fancy houses and fancy vacations, all things I like too.
It’s about having insulation from the life curveballs most are completely unprepared for until they run into an emergency.
I see people talk shit about people who prioritize creating wealth until they hit a rough patch and realize the first people they are calling for financial support are the very people they judged about money.
Money is simply one of the forms God’s love takes
It’s just an energy transmition vehicle
And I will tell you that I am so glad I created a better relationship to money when that bill landed.
No gut punch. Just gratitude knowing I had made decisions in the past that prepared me for this circumstance in my present.
I will contact the insurance company to make sure the numbers are correct and then pay in full to put the matter behind us.
Don’t let anyone shame you about prioritizing your financial flows. That’s just their money shit coming to the surface.
Our country has normalized spending every penny one earns (and in many cases spending beyond earnings via credit cards etc)
It is a Revolution to build a new relationship with money that takes your short term and long term financial desires into account
Surround yourself with fiscally wise humans who are also creating this type of relationship to money.
It doesn’t mean being a miser
Absolutely enjoy your money flows and do all the fun things your heart desires
And store funds away. I call this “Runway” so that you can weather any money storms that may suddenly roll in.
The decisions we make now shape our future realities.
Stack cash so that no one single setback or even series of setbacks can take you down
That one decision changed my life.
(This photo is of Caitlin and I playing Wakanda Monopoly with my son. Caitlin won by the way!)
Blessed be your every breath,
PS If you haven’t yet gotten your ticket for our next transformational experience, click here
Alok Appadurai is founder and CEO of Uplift Millions, is a Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author, has been featured in Forbes with Tony Robbins, and was on the show “4 Days To Save The World.” He’s spent 25 years building impact-driven companies and is the proud partner to Caitlin and father of Sequoia.