(count how many describe you too)
They always take radical personal responsibility for their life & never blame others if they aren’t getting the results they desire
They are building 6-8 figure companies for the betterment of others not just themselves & to leave a legacy for future generations
They come prepared to every call, listen, and implement new ideas or ways of being quickly
They aren’t a victim to their circumstances
They don’t need hand-holding
They know when they hear a single idea that if paid attention to was worth more than their entire investment for us to work together
They do the work
They take bold action
They make powerful decisions easily and quickly and then don’t second guess themselves
They don’t complain or talk shit
They learn through hearing stories & metaphors to help them make breakthroughs about themselves
They have an upbeat attitude fueled by magnetic gratitude
They are extraordinary at what they do
They honor all of their commitments and agreements & never break contracts
They don’t just talk a big game, they back it up with action
They often pay in full vs payment plans
They are courageous AF
They come prepared with their most needle-moving question every time we meet
They listen differently than the average entrepreneur
They do what they say they are going to do
They are 100% committed to their results and make zero excuses
They don’t blame anything outside of themselves for why their life is the way that it is.
They aren’t satisfied with just getting by and do whatever it takes to turn their dreams into their reality
They shed old ways of being that are holding them back
They show up as the client they themselves want to work with.
They are an asset not a liability in every group they are in
They do their own deep trauma healing work so they don’t stay stuck
They ask for tough love when it’s necessary and don’t want it sugarcoated
They aren’t looking for the first sign that I am not perfect and give me the grace they themselves want
They aren’t coasting in life settling for average
They commit to getting better every single day
They appreciate how blessed they are and that their current business is a luxury in a world where billions have to toil in hard labor so they don’t begrudge the efforts required to build their business
They know that growing a business may not always be fun and takes consistency & dedication
They know the power of commitment
Did I mention they don’t make excuses, never blame anyone for their results and take radical personal responsibility for their lives?
If that sounds remotely like you, come to Transcendence 2023 July 28-30 in Scottsdale
It’s a room built for you.
See you there. Let me know if you need the link.
Prices go up April 1.
I love you.
– AA/T.M.L.P.I.K.
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